I went for a two hour walk around Fox Island yesterday. The past few days have been really warm (no jacket required). Yesterday was much cooler; it got down to freezing by the time I left. It was fun walking in the half-frozen rain/melting snow that was falling. I saw twenty deer. The largest group---with nine deer---would bolt as soon as I was in sight. One group of four let me get to within 20m. I had almost brought a camera with a big lens and tripod with me. Too bad the "I don't feel like carrying a camera" part of me won. With that many deer in such a small park, I'll have more chances.

Heh . . . I used a lot of extra bandwidth last weekend by not telling wget to use ftp to download some files. Using http took several times as much bandwidth as I needed to use.

On Saturday Caleb, Daniel, Luke, and I went to a Komets hockey game.

On Friday night, right before dinner, the sinks in the engineering lab and machine shop started bubbling. Andy and I had to use garden hoses to siphon the water out of the building until the maintenance guy came.